We have examined and reviewed several water detector capsules in the market place for diesel fuel and aviation fuel testing . These “pill” type tests originate from India mostly from what we have noted.
Packaged in a capsule form they look exactly like a medication or supplement pill and are supplied in plastic bottle with a screw top that has no air tight seal which may become a problem for some users.
How to Use Water Detector Capsule For Diesel Fuel
Obtain a fuel sample of about 100ml / 3.5 fluid ounce into a clear sealed container, making sure you have very dry hands, take one capsule from the storage bottle, split capsule and pour the powder contents into the fuel sample. Shake the sample a little and allow the powder to settle down which may take a few minutes. Check if the powder has changed colour and refer to the original maker instructions for identification of problems.
Brands noted and examined with fit for purpose notes and guidance
Water Detector Capsule for Diesel – Part # Diesocap-H2O
Water Detector Capsule for Aviation fuel – Part # Aviacap-H2O
Water Detector Capsule for Aviation fuel – Part # Aquadis Micro Detectors
Pros –
- They can detect water in diesel and aviation fuel. (depends on the fuel capsule type your have).
Cons –
- They do not check for diesel fuel quality to recognized standards of ASTM D4176.
- They do not check for diesel fuel bacterial problems.
- They do not check for diesel fuel fungus, algae and yeast problems.
- They come packaged in the one container with a plastic lid that appears to not have a good seal to prevent moisture getting into the storage bottle. Constant removal of the top to take out fuel capsules for each test may result in moisture entering and spoiling or limiting the effectiveness of all the capsules. This is the main reason why we do not recommend water detectors in a vitamin pill casing that are stored in the same container with no air tight sealing mechanism. NB: Users in an area with high humidity may have spoilage problems that may effect the accuracy of these types of tests. Some users may not have a problem as we have discussed above, it may depend on each situation and the way the product is handled and used.
Please see our high performance water in diesel fuel test detectors here.
Contact notes
Water Detector Capsule for Diesel – Part # Diesocap-H2O – Company name Chemochem India
Water Detector Capsule for Aviation fuel – Part # Aviacap-H2O – Company name Chemochem India
Water Detector Capsule for Aviation fuel – Part # Aquadis Micro Detectors – Company name Kaveri Baag Corporation India
Images used above are for reference and illustration purposes and do not represent the products mentioned.